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Kapsul Pemutih - Whitening Clear Sport USA Emilay

Whitening Clear Sport Emilay Original USA. EMILAY WHITENING CLEAR SPOTS
USA Beauty Whitening Secret. Dapatkan kulit putih, bersih, cerah dan sehat alami dengan Emilay. Telah terbukti di dunia dan telah banyak mempercantik jutaan wanita. Terbuat dari bahan-bahan 100% herbal dan alami, aman dikonsumsi secara rutin dan tidak ada efek samping.

Komposisi Emilay Whitening Clear Spots:
    Grape Seed / Anggur.
    Aloe Vera.
    Pearl / Mutiara.
    Rumput Laut.

Khasiat dan Manfaat Emilay Whitening Clear Spots:
    Memutihkan dan mencerahkan kulit wajah.
    Menghilangkan dan mengurangi jerawat.
    Menyamarkan noda bekas jerawat.
    Menyamarkan dan menghilangkan flek-flek hitam di wajah.
    Menghaluskan dan mengencangkan kulit.
    Menyamarkan kelebihan pigmentasi (bintik hitam, tanda bekas luka).
    Sebagai antioksidan bagi kesehatan kulit.

Berapa lama reaksi Emilay Whitening Clear Spots terlihat??
Untuk ras Asia, khasiat mulai terlihat setelah konsumsi 3 - 4 minggu secara disiplin dan rutin.
Hasil maksimal "Putih Alami" akan didapat dengan pemakaian rutin dan disiplin selama 3 - 4 bulan.

Dosis / Aturan pakai Emilay Whitening Clear Spots:
    Untuk 1 - 2 bulan pertama, 2 x 1 kapsul.
    Untuk perawatam (setelah 2 bulan), 1 x 1kapsul.
    Perbanyak minum air putih dan buah-buahan agar hasil lebih cepat.

Spesifikasi: 1 botol berisi 60 kapsul.
Manufactured by : Nutritional Product Co.Ltd
made in USA

Kapsul Pemutih - Sheep Placenta Protein (Healthy Care Australia)

Produk kapsul pemutih kulit Sheep Placenta Protein 5000mg (Healthy Care Australia. Sudah tidak asing dengan nama Placenta kan? Apa itu Placenta? Sejak ribuan tahun lalu,para tabib meresepkan placenta utk mencegah penuaan, memperbaiki kondisi tubuh.

Sheep placenta protein adalah placenta dari domba yg terbukti ampuh memutihkan kulit dengan aman, halal dan tanpa efek samping.

Mahal? Jawabannya adalah tidak!!
Kualitas menjawab segalanya, harga yg terjangkau dengan kualitas tinggi.

Mau cantik itu mudah!! Tetapi mau cantik secara sehat? Anda hanya butuh konsumsi Sheep Placenta Protein ini.

Manfaat SPP:
#Memutihkan muka&seluruh badan
#Mengencangkan dan meremajakan kulit
#Mengurangi flek dan bintik hitam di kulit
#Menormalkan berat badan yg berlebih ke berat yg ideal
#Mengurangi kadar kolesterol
#Mengencangkan payudara
#Mencegah penuaan dini dan keriput
#Mencegah dan menghilangkan jerawat
#Memperbaiki struktur kulit (menghilangkan bopeng)
#Menambah tenaga (mudah bangun pagi)
#Melambatkan proses penuaan dan proses menopause

SPP mengandung :
Gluthatione, Collagen, Mixberries, Vitamin C, dan juga Extract Protein Salmon Placenta, dan Sheep Placenta Protein

1botol isi 30pc kapsul, sehari minum 1kapsul setiap pagi

Harga : Rp. 115.000,- / btl
Pengambilan minimal 3 btl

Kapsul Pemutih - Glutax 200GS

Kapsul pemutih badan Glutax 200GS. Sudah tau kan suntik pemutih Glutax 200GS? Nah skrg buat kalian yg mau putih ga perlu repot2 buat suntik atau ga perlu takut sakit dicoblos jarum suntik!!

Kini ada kapsul pemutih Glutax 200GS yang fungsinya setara dengan injection Glutax 200GS namun dikemas dalam bentuk kapsul

Glutax 200GS Diamond Bright adalah produk whitening dalam bentuk kapsul terbaru Original Italy dengan komposisi dan kandungan terbaik yang memberikan efek whitening tercepat sebagai pemutih kulit dan manfaat penting lainnya bagi tubuh khususnya kulit. ‎

Glutax 200GS Diamond Bright merupakan produk pemutih dengan kandungan glutathione tertinggi.

Komposisi dan Kandungan Glutax 200GS Diamond Bright  :
*Ultrafiltration Glutathione 200 g
*Alpha Lipoic Acid 500mg
*Epidermal Growth Factor 200mg
*Kojic Acid 500mg
*Multivitamin 3000mg
*Natural Collagen 600mg
*Selenium 500mg
*Crithmum Maritimum Cells CIC2 300mg

Fungsi dan Manfaat kapsul pemutih Glutax 200GS Diamond Bright :
•Sebagai pemutih kulit
•Mengencangkan kulit
•Meregenerasi sel-sel kulit yang mati
•Anti Oksidan
•Anti Aging
•Melancarakan perderan darah
•menghaluskan kulit
•membantu mempercepat penyembuhan luka
•menjaga tubuh agar tetap fit
•Mengencangkan kulit dan menjaga kelembabannya‎
•Menutrisi kulit agar terlihat lebih cerah dan segar
•Meningkatkan stamina tubuh‎

Kapsul pemutih Glutax 200GS dijamin sangat aman dikonsumsi karena sdh lolos uji badan BPPOM dan halal MUI

Isi 30 kapsul

Konsumsi 1 hari 1 capsul 2 jam sebelum tidur

Harga Rp. 150.000,- / btl
Pengambilan 12/ btl
Harga Rp. 160.000,- / btl
Pengambilan 8/ btl
Harga Rp. 170.000,- / btl
Pengambilan 4/ btl

Kapsul Pemutih - Glutax 75GS

Kapsul pemutih badan Glutax 75GS. Glutax memang menjadi produk suntik putih paling laris di tahun 2011 hingga saat ini. Inovasi Terbaru Whitening capsule produk italy GLUTAX 5GS MICRO 5000MG CELLULAR ULTRA WHITENING ini di cipta khas untuk anda yang takut degan suntikan. Sangat efektif memutihkan dan mencantikan kulit.
Solusi untuk anda yang takut dengan jarum suntik, kini glutax hadir dengan metode oral, yaitu berupa suplemen yang dapat membuat kulit anda putih cerah tanpa suntik

Komposisi : nano glutathione 75g, nano acido alfa lipoico 500mg , epidermal growth factor 2000mg, kojic acid 500mg , l’acido ascorbico 3500mg , collagene estratto 600mg , vitamin e 400mg , pro vit b3 500mg , pro vit b5 500mg , aplle stem cell 285mg

Manfaat :
    Sebagai Pemutih kulit yang cepat
    Meningkatkan stamin tubuh
    Mencegah/mengurangi timbulnya jerawat dan mengatasi flek hitam pada kulit
    Mencegah penyakit diabetes
    Meningkatkan imun tubuh
    Meningkatkan memory otak atau daya ingat agar lebih fokus, dan konsentrasi
    Memperkecil pori-pori wajah


Kapsul Pemutih - Glutax 5GS

Kapsul pemutih badan Glutax 75GS. Glutax 5GS Micro 5000mg Cellular Ultra Whitening merupakan produk pengembangan Glutax 5G yang disempurnakan dengan tambahan 300mg vitamin E, 250mg Pro Vitamin B3, dan 100mg Pro Vitamin B5.

Glutax 5Gs Micro berfungsi sebagai antioksidan yang menakjubkan mempunyai banyak manfaat termasuk:

* tenaga meningkat
* menguatkan sistem imun
* Fungsi mental Greater , seperti, memori yang lebih baik , tumpuan, dan penumpuan
* Mempercepatkan masa pemulihan selepas surgeri (atau pembedahan)
* Peningkatan prestasi olahraga
* Detoksifikasi sengit (termasuk detoksifikasi logam berat)
* Pelindung kuat dari penyakit degeneratif, seperti kencing manis
* Memutihkan kulit dengan cepat ( dengan mengurangkan pembentukan melanin )
* Menyekat pembentukan jerawat / cacat cela / jerawat
* Mengecilkan liang roma dan pori-pori serta memperbaiki masalah kulit
* Menghilangkan flek-flek hitam pada kulit
* Menjaga kelembaban kulit
* Sifat antioksidan melindungi kulit dari radikal bebas penyebab penuaan
* Menghapus kelebihan Radikal bebas yang akan menyebabkan abnormal fungsi otak dan organ
* Glutathione adalah selamat untuk semua orang , tanpa mengira usia

Kandungan / Komposisi dalam Gutax 5Gs Micro :
- Glutathione 5000mg
- Ascorbic Acid 1500mg
- Collagen Extract 350mg
- Vitamin E 300mg
- Ala Alpha Lipoic Acid 200mg
- Pro-Vitamin B3 250mg
- Pro-Vitamin B5 100mg

Suntik Putih - Biome G Alpha

Suntik putih Biome G Alpha Whitening Essential Alpha Lipoic Acid adalah produk suntik putih terbaik yang aman dan baik bagi kesehatan, yang bermanfaat juga dalam mencerahkan, menghaluskan dan mengencangkan kulit. dan membantu mengurangi flek-flek hitam dan masalah kerutan pada wajah.

Biome G-Alpha Whitening Esensial di import dari UK. Setiap kotak berisi 10 vial Glutathione 900mg dan 10 ampul Alpha Lipoic Acid 1250mg /5ml.

Biome G-Alpha Whitening Essential adalah formulasi Glutathione dengan Alpha Lipoic Acid. Alpha Lipoic Acid akan membantu glutathione yang disuntikkan ke tubuh kita bekerja lebih baik.


    Glutathione adalah protein (asam amino) molekul yang penting sebagai antioksidan, penguat sistem kekebalan tubuh, dan penetralisir racun
    Glutathione terdapat dalam setiap sel untuk menjaga sistem kekebalan tubuh
    Glutathione adalah salah satu master antioksidan yang banyak ditemukan di hati
    Glutathione dapat menghilangkan senyawa beracun (seperti Parasetamol) dalam hati
    Glutathione mampu menyusun kembali vitamin C dan E yang telah teroksidasi
    Kombinasikan dengan injeksi vitamin C untuk meningkatkan kekebalan, mengurangi kelelahan, serta kulit segar dan sehat
    Glutathione dapat membantu melawan kanker, penyakit jantung, penuaan dini, penyakit autoimun dan penyakit kronis
    Glutathione dapat menangkal radikal bebas berlebihan yang akan menyebabkan fungsi abnormal dari otak dan organ
    Glutathione dapat membantu untuk gejala neurodegeneratif seperti Parkinson, Alzheimer, multiple sclerosis, stroke, mengiritasi usus dan kelelahan kronis
    Glutathione dapat mengurangi jerawat / noda di wajah
    Glutathione merupakan pengobatan jangka panjang untuk perokok dan peminum.

Alpha Lipoic Acid
Alpha Lipoic Acid adalah suatu senyawa antioksidan yang banyak digunakan dalam pencegahan berbagai penyakit. Fungsi utama ALA adalah untuk meningkatkan efektifitas glutathione yang membantu melarutkan zat-zat beracun dalam hati. ALA juga membantu menetralkan radikal bebas dalam tubuh dan melindungi sel-sel tubuh dari kerusakan. Radikal bebas merupakan molekul tidak stabil yang mencoba untuk mencuri elektron dari molekul lain, sehingga menyebabkan kerusakan. Merokok, polusi, asap mobil, makanan yang digoreng adalah beberapa sumber radikal bebas. Alpha Lipoic Acid dapat ditemukan dalam makanan seperti daging dan sayuran. Alpha Lipoic Acid mudah diserap ke dalam aliran darah dan dapat melewati saluran darah di otak.
Manfaat Alpha Lipoic Acid:

    Hipertensi (Tekanan Darah Tinggi)
    Penyakit Jantung Koroner
    Sindrom metabolik (tekanan darah dan kolesterol tinggi)
    Neuropati perifer (yang disebabkan oleh diabetes dan kondisi lain, seperti penyakit lyme, alkoholisme, herpes zoster, penyakit tiroid, dan gagal ginjal)
    Diabetes (memperbaiki metabolisme glukosa dan membantu penderita diabetes memanfaatkan insulin yang lebih baik)
    Penyakit Hati
    Kanker Pankreas (meningkatkan kelangsungan hidup jangka panjang)
    Gangguan Fungsi Otak (sebagai gangguan otak stroke dan Alzheimer)
    Efek Penuaan (meningkatkan aliran darah dan meningkatkan fungsi kekebalan tubuh, meningkatkan kadar glutathione, membantu detoksifikasi)
    Penyakit degeneratif (ALA adalah agen anti-inflamasi yang kuat)
    Glaukoma dan katarak

Ada daftar panjang manfaat dari Alpha Lipoic Acid, beberapa bahkan menyebutnya sebagai "antioksidan yang ideal". Berikut adalah beberapa manfaat dari mengkonsumsi Alpha lipoic acid.

    Alpha Lipoic Acid membantu vitamin C dan E bekerja lebih baik
    Alpha Lipoic Acid adalah antioksidan kuat yang melawan radikal bebas
    Alpha Lipoic Acid mudah diserap baik melalui makanan ataupun suplemen
    Alpha Lipoic Acid membantu meningkatkan efektifitas glutathione yang membantu proses detoksifikasi
    Alpha Lipoic Acid membantu melindungi lensa dan retina mata anda dari degenerasi dan juga membantu meringankan glaukoma

Jelas bahwa manfaat terbesar dari Alpha Lipoic Acid adalah sifat antioksidan kuat dan kemampuan untuk membantu meningkatkan tingkat glutathione yang memainkan peranan besar dalam menetralisir zat-zat beracun dalam hati.

Cara Pemakaian: 
Satu s/d dua set setiap minggu selama 1 s/d 2 bulan (tergantung metabolisme tubuh Anda). Dosis kemudian dapat dikurangi menjadi 1 suntikan setiap 2 minggu untuk maintanance. Dianjurkan untuk menambahkan Vitamin C + Collagen untuk mendapatkan hasil terbaik. Aplikasikan penyuntikan Biome G Alpha melalui intravena (IV)

Biome G Alpha tidak dianjurkan untuk:

    Ibu dalam masa menyusui 
    Wanita dalam masa datang bulan
    Alergi terhadap dengan Vitamin (jenis apapun)
    Pasien dengan masalah kardiovaskular

Isi Kemasan :
10 amp x 1250mg lipoid acid
10 vial x 900mg glutation

Suntik Putih - 29 Nexentury Flavonoids

A miraculous discovery of aesthetic medicines through an experimental mistake! In 1937, a Hungarian scientist Albert Szent-Gyorgyi was injecting vitamin C to a patient with coronary artery disease for vascular protective purposes. This injection was found to be exceptionally effective. As he proceeded with the second injection of vitamin C to the same patient, he noted that the result was not as good as the first injection. After repeated investigations, he found out that the efficacies of his first injection to the same patient was due to the mixture of vitamin C with another compound, which he later found out as Flavonoids.

Hence, it is concluded from the experiment that vascular protective efficacies of vitamin C can be enhanced by mixing it with flavonoids. Many efforts have been put in the research of these 2 bioactive substances to enhance its efficacies further for the ultimate benefits of mankind.

The latest medical research revealed that these 2 bioactive substances when used in combination, can exert hormone-like biochemical reactions in human body, to regulate our body functions without causing side effects as in the direct usage of synthetic hormones. One of the most prominent efficacies among all are the lowering of Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL, bad cholesterol which causes vascular occlusions) and the increase of High Density Lipoprotein(HDL). Nutritional research had also concluded that one injection of Flavonoids + Ascorbic Acid can provide our body with nutrients which the body needs for the whole day.

Introduction of Active Ingredients Flavonoids are a group of bioactive substances derived from fruits, vegetables, tea, wine, seeds or roots of plants, which are well known for their anti-oxidating, anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogen effects.

Ascorbic Acid or vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant which reduces the oxidative stress of ascorbate peroxidase. Deficiency of ascorbic acid can lead to malfunction of tissue collagen and causes scurvy, with symptoms of red spots on the skin, spongy gums, and mucosal bleeding. Patients with scurvy look pale. Some of them even become paralysed. Severe scurvy can also cause ulcer, teeth drops and ultimately death. Hence, vitamin C is a very important nutrient to our body.

Flavonoids + Ascorbic Acid of 29NEXENTURY is the latest invention in aesthetic medicines, with much greater efficacies than other similar products. Many research revealed that the product is indicated for the following

    1. Prevent and delay the occurrence of menopause;
    2. Anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-neoplastic;
    3. Efficacious in reducing stress, detoxify, sedative and dieresis;
    4. Anti-oxidation, anti-carcinogen, prevention of cancer, suppress lipase synthesis;
    5. Scavenger of free radicals, enhance bioactivity of SOD, reduce MDA and OX-LDL synthesis;
    6. Increase coronary arteries perfusion, curative to clinical coronary infraction, protective towards acute myocardial infraction, increase immunity by strengthening the bioactivities of lymphocytes and white blood cells;
    7. Reduce systolic pressure, prevent arrhythmia and improve blood circulation to remove blood stasis;
    8. Stimulates formation of collagen and make the skin firmer, bones and teeth stronger as well as promotes wound healing;
    9. Strengthen the blood vessels, clear the plaque which occludes the blood vessels, reduces cholesterol in the blood vessels to reduce the risk factors of coronary artery disease;
    10.Maintain clarity of ocular lens and reduce intraocular pressure, hence is preventive towards glaucoma and cataract;
    11.Prevent the surfacing of melanine, hence, it is an excellent whitening product;

Patients with High blood pressure, kidney problem.

Each box of Flavonoids + Ascorbic Acid contains 10 injectable ampoules (10ml per ampoule).

Dosage of flavonoids + ascorbic acid varies depending on individual´s conditions and expectations. Generally, it is recommended to inject 30 ampoules on alternate day to achieve optimum efficacies. This can be injected intramuscularly or intravenously.

Keep in cool and dry place, avoid direct exposure to sunlight and keep out of reach of children.
Main Ingredients:

Each 10 ml ampoule contains:
Flavonoids 2000mg
Ascorbic Acid 500mg


Suntik Putih - 29 Nexentury SLC24A5 Inhibitor III

SLC24A5 is a gene located at the chromosome 15 of human gene. It is consisted of 396 amino acids molecules which governs the activities and proliferation of melanocytes in our body. Clinical study revealed that SLC24A5 gene acts consistently across species, i.e. higher SLC24A5 gene activity increase the number of melanocyte, causing higher secretion of melanin. Organisms with lower SLC24A5 activities have much lesser melanocyte and secret much lesser melanin leading to fair body color.

Once again, medical scientists from Switzerland have isolated a special group of SLC24A5 inhibitor III, which have exhibited superb SLC24A5 gene inhibiting effects, proven to suppress SLC24A5 gene in vitro and in vivo, which is the only formulations that can whiten the skin via genetic.

SCF III is an improvised version of Stem Cell Factor developed by Swiss´s Institute of Biomedical Research. It is the latest breakthrough in clinical stem cell therapy and is derived from the largest and toughest cactus in the world – Echinocactus Grusonii. Stem Cell Factor which is extracted from this cactus is then modified with the latest technology in molecular genetics. Now, SCF III has the greatest proximity to natural human SCF and is the only form of SCF which can be injected in vivo and exerting stem cell stimulating effects, enhance the effectiveness of SLC24A5 inhibitor III.

Annona Senegalensis, commonly known as African custard-apple, the fruits have the potential to improve nutrition & enhance immunity and general health tonic. In Africa, many villagers regard it as a gift of fairy fruit from god. Its unique properties in antiulcer, antacid, antibacterial, promote wound healing , antitumor agent, hormonal balancing activities and the effects of slimming & firming, make it significantly a natural ingredient to strengthen the wall of body stem cell.

Clinical study revealed that SLC24A5 Inhibitor III is able to paralyze the genetic activities of SLC24A5 gene, hence inhibit the mechanism of melanin formation at the genetic level, by inhibiting all biochemical processes taking part in the melanocyte activation and melanin secretion (also inhibit the secretion of pro-melanin hormones, e.g. tyrosinase and NCKX5 etc). With the patented technology from Switzerland, SLC24A5 inhibitor III only acts on dermal melanocytes, without affecting other pigmented cells in other body tissues. Hence, injection of this SLC24A5 Inhibitor III will not lead to albinism (the loss of pigments in the hairs and pupils). This formulation is indicated for the improving of dark skin tone, pigment sedimentation, uneven skin tone and etc.

SCF III is suitable for subject from the age of 25. SCF III will induce stem cell generating mechanism in the body, with the production of pluripotent stem cell, and convert these pluripotent stem cells into specific type of multipotent stem cells, depending on individual conditions, to exert tissue and cellular repair, rejuvenation and regeneration. SCF III is generally indicated for the following conditions:

    1. Repairing genetics chromosomal aberrations to refresh cells of the whole body;
    2. Repairing of degenerative and aging body functions;
    3. Restore all body functions to the optimum level;
    4. Prevent hair loss, grey hair and other hair degenerative syndromes;
    5. Restore elasticity and complexion of the skin;
    6. Improve memory and cognitive abilities;
    7. Enhanced cell motility and restraint wide spread of melanocytes.

SLC24A5 Inhibitor III or SCF III can be direct injected intramuscularly / intravenously, or mix with saline solution ( approx. 100 ml) , 15 – 30 minutes in IV drips for enhancing effectiveness. Dosage of SLC24A5 Inhibitor III + SCF III varies depending on individual conditions and expectation. Functional restoring dosage of one SCF III follows with 3 days of SLC24A5 Inhibitor III. One vial a day, with 1 box as one course. Dosage can be increased accordingly to achieve individual´s desires. Generally, it varies in accordance with individual´s physical fitness & skin type.
Injection (IV or IM) should be administered daily by certified professionals. Must avoid shelled seafood & alcohol during treatment period.

Pregnancy, lactating mothers and those who are hypersensitive to plant derivatives.
Keep in cold, dry place and avoid exposure to direct sunlight. Keep out of reach of children.
Each vial (10ml) contains:      Packaging:
SLC24A5 Inhibitor III      1000mcg 9x10ml IM/IV
Echinocactus Grusonii Stem Cell 5000mcg 3x10ml IM/IV
Annona Senegalensis Stem Cell 2000mcg


Suntik Putih - 29 Nexentury SLC24A5 Inhibitor II

Suntik putih Permanen 29 Nexentury SLC24A5 Inhibitor II
adalah gen yang terletak di kromosom 15 dalam tubuh manusia. Program ini terdiri dari 396 molekul asam amino. penelitian medis terbaru menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan SLC24A5 gen menentukan jumlah dan aktivitas melanosit, yang identik pada hewan atau manusia, yaitu aktivitas yang lebih tinggi dari gen SLC24A5 akan menyebabkan peningkatan jumlah melanosit, yang akan menghasilkan lebih banyak melanin, menyebabkan warna kulit lebih gelap. Mereka dengan kegiatan SLC24A5 gen lebih rendah akan memiliki melanosit lebih rendah, maka menyebabkan warna kulit lebih ringan/putih.

Telah terbukti bahwa gen SLC24A5 aktivitas di Caucatians jauh lebih rendah dibandingkan etnis lainnya. Berdasarkan temuan ini, Swiss Medical ilmuwan telah mengamati gen SLC24A5 dan pada tahun 2005, mereka akhirnya menemukan inhibitor gen SLC24A5. Setelah Di Vivo, In Vitro, hewan dan studi manusia, SLC24A5 Inhibitor akhirnya menjadi keselamatan, paling dapat diandalkan dan agen pemutih kulit yang kuat di dunia!

saat ini, SLC24A5 Inhibitor telah dibuat menjadi suntikan, yang dapat menghambat aktivitas gen SLC24A5, sehingga mengurangi aktivitas melanosit, mengurangi sekresi melanin, menyediakan perawatan cepat, aman dan efektif whitening untuk masyarakat umum.

studi klinis menunjukkan bahwa SLC24A5 Inhibitor dapat menekan acitivities dari gen SLC24A5, dengan menonaktifkan gen ini, jalur kimia melanin memproduksi hormon, misalnya tirosinase, NCKX5 ... dll, membuat kulit menjadi lebih adil. Di bawah kendali teknologi dipatenkan, SLC24A5 Inhibitor hanya akan bertindak atas melanosit di kulit tanpa mempengaruhi sel-sel berpigmen lain dalam rambut dan mata. Oleh karena itu injeksi SLC24A5 Inhobitor tidak akan menyebabkan albinisme, tetapi akan mencapai khasiat pemutih luar biasa. Produk ini telah terbukti secara klinis efektif dalam warna kulit gelap, pigmentasi, warna kulit tidak merata ... dll

Dosis: SLC24A5 Inhibitor bervariasi tergantung pada kondisi individu dan keinginan. efek utama dari formulasi ini akan menjaga kulit dari keadaan kulit. Biasanya, disarankan untuk menyuntikkan 2 botol (intravena atau intramuskular)setiap 1 minggu sekali sampai 36 vial. SLC24A5 Inhibitor dapat diberikan pada dosis lebih tinggi di bawah pengawasan dokter atau paramedis yang lain yang sudah profesional terlatih.
Harus menghindari makanan seafood dan mengkonsumsi alkohol selama pengobatan.

Setiap kotak berisi 12 vial 5ml SLC24A5 Inhibitor injectible.
Setiap vial (5ml) mengandung:
Inhibitor SLC24A5 200 mcg

Sekarang berganti kemasan baru NEW SLC24A5 INHIBITOR II
1 Box ISI 6 Aampul, Tiap Ampul Mengandung Inhibitor SLC24A5 500 mcg
Lebih banyak dari kemasan yang lama.

Kehamilan, menyusui ibu dan orang-orang yang hipersensitif.
Penyimpanan: Simpan di tempat yang dingin, kering dan menghindari paparan sinar matahari langsung. Jauhkan dari jangkauan anak-anak.


Suntik Putih - 29 Nexentury LHX3 Super Gene Restorer II

In 1928, US biologist Thoman Hunt Morgan discovered that chromosome is a carrier of genetic materials and was awarded Noble Prize in Physiology. There are altogether 23 pairs of chromosomes (46 chromosomes) in human body, and each chromosome contains thousands of genes. With genetic medicines, cures of diseases and rejuvenation of body functions become possible, by tapping on the genes in the human body. Institute of Biomedical Research, Switzerland has been leading in this research with a lot of breakthrough in genetic medicines.

Following the discoveries of whitening and obesity genes, Institute of Biomedical Research, Switzerland has now discovered LHX3, which is known as "firming gene" in the 9th chromosome of human body. In clinical applications, it has shown to firm up all organs in the body, by resetting the endocrine regulatory functions of pituitary gland, firming up the sagged human tissues and restore the tones of other vital organs.

Pituitary is known as the master gland of body´s endocrine system, which controls almost all body functions by pituitary hormones which it secretes. In 1997, Professor of Cellular Biology, Dr. Kathleen A. Mahon of Houston Medical University, USA discovered the importance of LHX3 to the development of pituitary glands during embryonic stage, where constant supply of LHX3 genetic protein shall ensure the normal development of pituitary gland of the embryo. She proven in animal study that inhibition of LHX3 genetic protein will lead to the cessation or disorders of pituitary development. Hence, it is confirmed that constant activity of LHX3 Super Gene Restorer II shall ensure the stable bio-communication between pituitary glands and other organs, hence maintain the balanced and stable endocrine activities in the body.

In 1942, Prof. John H. Musser of Louisiana Medical University, USA made an oral pituitary extracts from calf´s pituitary glands for the treatment of chronic constipation of hypotension. Post-pituitary extract is used to treat atonal uterus, shock and urinary incontinence while anterior pituitary extracts is used to treat obesity due to hormonal imbalance, asthma and fatigue. Despite its great therapeutic potentials, the development of pituitary extracts is stifled by the technical and material constrains. The discovery of LHX3 Super Gene Restorer II has enlightened Institute of Biomedical Research, Switzerland in further biomedical research. In year 2005, they extracted this genetic protein from a 13 week sheep fetus, with the latest patented biomedical technology. It is proven in animal studies that LHX3 genetic protein is able to rejuvenate the pituitary glands in adult animals and get rid of almost all disorders by restoring the endocrine regulating functions of pituitary gland.

In year 2010, Prof. Kathleen A. Mahon, and Prof. Alexander Zhadanov, microbiologist of Jefferson Cancer Institute and Prof. Bedrich Mosinger, Director of Institution of Molecular genetics, Czech´s Republic had invented the 2nd generation of LHX3 genetic protein, which can be fully utilized by the human body and achieve rejuvenation, reset pituitary activities, restoring endocrine activity and firming up of human organs within 24 hours !

LHX3 Super Gene Restorer II is extracted from pituitary gland of embryonic sheep fetus, which shares the similar molecular structure with human´s LHX3 genetic protein. No rejections were observed in the cross species injection study, hence it is safe in clinical applications in the following

    1. Restoration and tightening of post delivery reproductive organs, e.g. uterus, ovaries, vagina and other endocrine organs;
    2. Improve intestinal and colonic motility, as a treatment for Digestive disorders and chronic constipations;
    3. Improve all chronic pains due to poor bioelectricity conductions.
    4. Improve discomforts due to impaired blood circulation;
    5. Balance of endocrine activity by improving bio-communication between the pituitary glands and other peripheral endocrine systems;
    6. Natural and safe breast augmentation when injected regularly;
    7. Prevent hair drops and skin aging.

Pregnancy, lactation and hypertension.

Each box of LHX3 Super Gene Restorer II contains 5 vials, 3 ml per vial.

Dosage and frequency of injection may be varied in different conditions. Injection of LHX3 Super Gene Restorer II regularly shall achieve tightening of vagina, lifting of sagging tissues and etc. It is recommended to inject 1 vial in every 1-2 weeks intramuscularly, with 5 vials as one course. Higher frequency of injection may be indicated for different conditions, but must be conducted under the supervision of qualified trained professionals. Injection of LHX3 Super Gene Restorer II may lead to some discomforts, e.g. diarrhea, headache, cold sweating, cramping and constriction of uterus and vagina and etc, which may last 1-3 hours.

Keep under the room temperature, avoid direct exposure to sunlight and keep out of reach of children.

Each vial (3ml) contains:
LHX3 Super Gene Restorer II 30mcg


Suntik Putih - 29 Nexentury SCF III Ampoule

SCF III is an improvised version of Stem Cell Factor developed by Swiss"s Institute of Biomedical Research. It is the latest breakthrough in clinical stem cell therapy and is derived from the largest and toughest cactus in the world – Echinocactus Grusonii. Stem Cell Factor which is extracted from this cactus is then modified with the latest technology in molecular genetics. Now, SCF III has the greatest proximity to natural human SCF and is the only form of SCF which can be injected in vivo and exerting stem cell stimulating effects.

Annona Senegalensis, commonly known as African custard-apple, the fruits have the potential to improve nutrition & enhance immunity and general health tonic. In Africa, many villagers regard it as a gift of fairy fruit from god. Its unique properties in antiulcer, antacid, antibacterial , promote wound healing , antitumor agent, hormonal balancing activities and the effects of slimming & firming, make it significantly a natural ingredient to strengthen the wall of body stem cell.


Dosage of SCF III varies depending on individual conditions and expectation. Functional restoring dosage is recommended at one injection every 5 days, with 10 injections as one course. Injection (IV or IM) should be administered daily by certified professionals. Dosage can be increased or decreased accordingly to achieve individual"s desires.


SCF III can be direct injected intramuscularly / intravenously, or mix with saline solution ( approx. 100 ml) , 15 – 30 minutes in IV drips for enhancing effectiveness. SCF III is suitable for individual above the age of 25. The efficacies are more prominent when used in elderly patients. SCF III will induce stem cell generating mechanism in the body, with the production of pluripotent stem cell, and convert these pluripotent stem cells into specific type of multipotent stem cells, depending on individual conditions, to exert tissue and cellular repair, rejuvenation and regeneration. SCF III is generally indicated for the following conditions:

    1. Repairing genetics chromosomal aberrations to refresh cells of the whole body;
    2. Repairing of degenerative and aging body functions;
    3. Restore all body functions to the optimum level;
    4. Prevent hair loss, grey hair and other hair degenerative syndromes;
    5. Restore elasticity and complexion of the skin;
    6. Improve memory and cognitive abilities;
    7. Enhanced cell motility and restraint wide spread of melanocytes.

Pregnancy, lactating mothers and those who are hypersensitive to plant derivatives.

10ml x 10 vials / box IM/IV

Each vial (10ml) contains:
Echinocactus Grusonii Stem Cell 5000mcg
Annona Senegalensis Stem Cell 2000mcg


Suntik Putih - 29 Nexentury SCF II Ampoule

The Highest Commander of Human Aging Process in Chromosome 12. Stem Cell generating SCF II, An Excellent, Miraculous Replacement of Embryonic Stem Cell Therapy in Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicines !!


Swiss Biomedical Scientists have extracted a genetic commanding factor from the largest and toughest cactus in the earth, which is proven to command all genetic processes in human body with its unique ability in producing pluripotent stem cells in vivo!!

This genetic commanding factors is named as SCF II (abbreviation of Stem Cell Factor II), as proven in human clinical studies to produce pluripotent stem cells in vivo, and then convert the pluripotent stem cells into specific type of multipotent stem cells, according to the needs of individual´s condition.

This discovery is made by a team of medical scientists led by Dr David A. Greenberg, who is the director of BUCK Institute of Antiaging Medicines, who has been exploring the therapeutic potentials of synthetic SCF for years. Dr Greenberg also conducted several in vitro clinical studies with synthetic SCF and successfully converted the stem cell from one type to another.

SCF is first discovered by German chemist, Axel Ullrich in 1987 and was proven to increase the number of pluripotent stem cells in vitro. Axel Ulrich won the WOLF International Award in Medicines for his discovery of SCF.

(1). However, synthetic SCF is unable to exert the same stem cell producing effects in vivo, as in vitro, due to technology constrains.

(2)Dr Greenberg said that SCF is a genetic protein produced by Chromosome 12 of human body and it is the key substances in producing pluripotent stem cells. However, the level of SCF in the body decreases with age and ultimately stop completely, leading to varying degree of functional degeneration due to the failure in producing the required stem cell generation for repairing and rejuvenation.
"Over the years, we have been trying to extract SCF from animals and human fetus, and so far, only SCF derived from highly controversial, strictly controlled human fetus has closest proximity to natural human SCF. This source of SCF is able to produce limited types of stem cells in vivo and many other studies revealed that injecting synthetic recombinant SCF in vivo only increase the number of hematopoietic stem cells but not other multipotent stem cells."
"Human fetus derived SCF has indeed great therapeutic potential but is constrained by ethical controversies. Human Embryonic Stem Cell (HESC) research was put on halt when George W. Bush sat as president of USA. The ban on HESC was lifted when Obama become the president. Despite the lift of such ban, no one in this world can use HESC clinically without any hindrances, as local authority of New York City had openly announced the permanent ban of researches with HESC."
However, there were new hopes when Sir Martin Evans, director of Stem Cell Research Institute, Cambridge University, UK, was awarded Nobel Prize of Medicines & Physiology in 2007, by successfully converting the pluripotent stem cells from blastocyst into other form of stem cells in vitro.

(3) Making it possible to culture convert pluripotent stem cells outside of human body into specific multipotent stem cell prior to transplantation. At the same time, doctors from Bogomolezt Medical University, Ukraine, announced the clinical application of multipotent stem cells derived from 3-7 weeks human fetuses, which is highly unethical

(4)."Owing to the ethical controversies in HESC, we have been trying to look into an alternative to HESC therapy which can make the body produce its own multipotent stem cells without the need of transplantation. Following years of research, we finally isolated the 2nd generation of SCF from the biggest, toughest cactus of the world -- Echinocactus Grusonii. This new form of SCF is able to generate pluripotent and multipotent stem cells, in vitro and in vivo ! Hence it is named as SCF II."
"Echinocactus Grusonii is a cactus that lives in extremely dry, deserted area in south America. They can grow to the height of 20 meters, with roots as deep as 30 meters. Its huge trunk can store up to 9000 liters of water, allowing it to live comfortably in the desert. We also found that this type of cactus is able to produce great deal of SCF for a very long period, for long term tissue repairs and replacement, making it lives up to 200 years in such an extreme environment!!"

"We extracted SCF from this cactus and perform molecular conversion on it, making its molecular structure closest possible to natural human SCF for in vitro and in vivo study. The result was very encouraging as we found that it can exert unprecedented results in stem cell generation in vivo, pluripotent and multipotent stem cells, which are extremely scarce or impossible to be found in adult human!!"

"So far, SCF II is the only form of stem cell factors which can exert stem cell genesis in vivo, which will change the whole concept of stem cell therapy, where transplantation may no longer be required as just one intramuscular injection will produce the type of stem cells one required. And stem cell will no longer need to be extracted from fetuses, without the need to wait for culture proliferation for months." said Dr Greenberg.

He said that research of SCF II will be expanded further to explore its potentials in treating other diseases, which can benefits more peoples who are currently suffering from them.

Dosage of Stem Cell Factor II (SCF II) varies depending on individual conditions. Functional restoring dosage is recommended at one injection every 3 days, with 10 injections as one course. Injection of SCF II must be administered by certified professionals.

SCF II can be injected intramuscularly / intravenously, in individual above the age of 25. The efficacies is more prominent when used in elderly patients. SCF II will induce stem cell generating mechanism in the body, with the production of pluripotent stem cell, and convert these pluripotent stem cells into specific type of multipotent stem cells, depending on individual conditions, to exert tissue and cellular repair, rejuvenation and regeneration. SCF II is generally indicated for the following conditions:

    1. Repairing genetics chromosomal aberrations to refresh cells of the whole body;
    2. Repairing of degenerative and aging body functions;
    3. Restore all body functions to the optimum level;
    4. Prevent hair loss, grey hair and other hair degenerative syndromes;
    5. Restore elasticity and complexion of the skin;
    6. Improve memory and cognitive abilities.

Pregnancy, lactating mothers and those who are hypersensitive to plant derived substances.

Each box of SCF II contains 10 ampoule.

Each ampoule (10ml) contains
Stem Cell Factor II 3000mcg

Keep in cool and dry place, avoid direct exposure to sunlight and keep out of reach of children.


Suntik Putih - 29 Nexentury High-End Plant-based Stem Cell Skin Therapy

I. Narcissus Stem Cell Extract

The perfect formula from high concentration of Dormant Narcissus Bulb, which is able to slow down cell proliferation and effectively mineralizes the skin by toning up the micro-circulation and firming the tissues. It repairs damaged cells, significantly firms and hydrates the skin with its unique plant-based anti-aging ingredients. Designed to decrease the appearance of wrinkles depth, fine-lines & other age marks Increase skin firmness for a younger appearance Maintain the skin´s natural moisture level

Each ampoule (2ml) contains:
Narcissus Stem Cell Extract: 50mcg

After cleansing and toning, apply to skin with a gentle tapping motion and massage upwards into the face and neck. Gently use sweeping movements, lifting up the skin.

II. Bilberry Stem Cell Extract

Bilberry (Vaccinium Myrtillus) is a relative of blueberries; it contains Tannins which acts as an inhibitor of melanin production in human melanocytes by reducing tyrosinase enzyme activity. It brightens your skin complexion achieving fair, radiant glow. This substance has both anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which are beneficial for treating and reducing hyperpigmentation, dark spots or sun damage. Bilberry´s extract inhibits the activation of tyrosinase, interrupting the formation of melanin and decomposes melanin already generated, exhibiting whitening effects on dull skin tone. Restoring a clear and healthy radiance.

Each ampoule (1ml) contains:
Bilberry (Vaccinium Mrytillus) Stem Cell Extract: 30mcg

After cleansing and toning, apply to skin with a gentle tapping motion and massage upwards into the face and neck. Gently use sweeping movements, lifting up the skin.

III. Ginkgo Biloba Stem Cell Extract

Ginkgo Biloba is an excellent ingredient to include in age-defying and rejuvenating skin care for achieving a youthful complexion, because it can stimulate the formation of fibroblast and collagen. These Ginkgo extracts will dramatically minimize the look of fine lines, large pores and other imperfections. It refines & diminishes enlarged pores. Leaving the skin smooth and youthful. Ginkgo leaf was believed to have natural potent anti-oxidant properties which prevents free-radical damages. Enhancing the skin´s protective barrier, helps shield against environmental toxins and combat the visible signs of premature aging.

Each ampoule (2ml) contains:
Ginkgo Biloba Stem Cell Extract: 50mcg

After cleansing and toning, apply to skin with a gentle tapping motion and massage upwards into the face and neck. Gently use sweeping movements, lifting up the skin.

Each box contains:
Narcissus Stem Cell Extract 5 x 2ml
Bilberry Stem Cell Extract 5 x 1ml
Ginkgo Biloba Stem Cell Extract 5 x 2ml

Use with care. Avoid contact on the eye contour area. Rinse thoroughly immediately if product gets into eyes. If allergies, irritation or rash occurs, discontinue use.

Keep in cool and dry place, avoid direct exposure to sunlight and keep out of reach of children.


Suntik Putih - 29 Nexentury MMP1 Super Anti-Wrinkle Gene

MMP1 is the latest form of wrinkles eliminating formulation invented by Swiss Institute of Biomedical Sciences, with its patented technology by culturing the Clostridium Botulinum with a unique deep sea derived, plant base culture medium. With this technology, the cultured bacteria produced a compound which is comprised of Botulinum Toxin A, B, Biotin and MMP1 (a genetic protein which is able to breakdown abnormal fibrous tissues and replaced it with normal collagen), making it the most effective anti-wrinkle formulation with the longest lasting efficacies from 9 months to 2 years, without the side effects of general Botulinum.

Main Ingredients

    1. MMP1 Anti-Wrinkle Gene:
    Abbreviation of Matrix Metalloproteinase 1, which is a genetic protein located in chromosome 11 of human DNA. MMP1 plays an important role in cell proliferation and differentiation. MMP1 invented by Aeskulap Brunnen is able to induce Reconstructive Collagen Breakdown & Rebuild mechanism, where fibrous tissues that causes permanent wrinkle grooves are dissolved immunologically and replaced by newly formed collagen at the injectedsite, resulted in permanently filled up wrinkle.
    2. BTX-A & B:
    BTX-A is widely used in aesthetic to remove mechanical wrinkles, as well as in medicines for the treatment of migraine, muscular spasm and hyperhydrosis due to hyperactive of sympathetic nerve. BTX-B is another form of Botulinum toxin which is used in the treatment of cervical dystonia.
    3. Biotin:
    An important nutrients for skin rejuvenation and improving of skin texture. It is helpful in preventing permanent paralysis and side effects due to ordinary Botulinum toxin.

MMP1 is the only formulation which combines the benefits of Botulinum toxins, MMP1 genetic protein and Biotin, rendering 2 times efficacies than ordinary Botulinum toxins with much longer lasting result. In clinical usage, one injection will eliminate the wrinkle for 9 months to 2 years. Result is visible in 3-10 days post injection and the duration of efficacies is similar when used in the clinical treatment of other diseases.
MMP1 is a freeze-dried anti-wrinkle formulation, which must be dissolved with the liquid Biotin prior to usage. It must be completely used up upon dissolving.

Dosage of MMP1 varies depending on individual´s condition. In general, treating wrinkles on the face will require injection of 0.2ml per spot. Treating muscular spasm or dystonia will require injection of 0.5ml per spot. Results will be visible in 3-10 days following injection, and stays for 9 months to 2 years, the durationis the same for both aesthetic and therapeutic purposes. Injection must be administered by trained professionals.

MMP1 must be injected intramuscularly and is applicable in individuals from the age of 16-70. It is proven clinically to be effective in the following conditions:
    1. Eliminate mechanical wrinkles by blocking neurotransmission in the neuromuscular junctions, hence is indicated for the elimination of nasolabial lines, crow´s feet, frown line and etc;
    2. With the same mechanism, it is indicated for the treatment of muscular spasm and dystonia, e.g. cervical dystonia, strabismus, blepharospasm and headache due to contraction of skeletal muscle;
    3. Hyperhydrosis due to hyperactivity of sympathetic nerves;
    4. Frequent urination due to hyperactive bladder;
    5. Vaginal spasm;
    6. Muscular disorders due to stroke, cerebral palsy or Parkinsonism..

Pregnancy, lactation, allergy to Botulinum toxins, and non-mechanical wrinkles.

Each box of MMP1 contains 5 vials of powder (3g per vial) and 5 vials of Biotin (3ml/500mg per vial), please dissolve the powder with Biotin and inject intramuscularly.

Each vial (3g) contains
MMP1 Anti-Wrinkle Gene 1000mg

Each vial (3ml) contains
Biotin 500mg

Keep in the temperature from 2-20 degree Celcius. Keep out of reach of children.


Suntik Putih - GLUTAX 35GS Nano Pro VGP

Suntik putih Glutax 35GS Nano Pro VGP Original GMP dari negara asal asli Italy dengan manfaat sebagai suntik putih dan antioksidan terbaik

Isi Kemasan Glutax 35GS Nano Pro VGP :

    5 Vial Besar
    5 Vial Kecil
    5 Vial Kurus
    5 Ampul

Total 20 pcs/box

Kandungan dan Kompoisi Glutax 35GS Nano Pro VGP :

    Ascorbic Acid 2500 mg
    Collagen Extract 500 mg
    Vitamin E 400 mg
    Pro Vitamin B3 350 mg
    Pro Vitamin B5 350 mg
    Nano Pro Glutathione 35GS
    Alpha Lipoic Acid 500 mg
    Nano Pro Vegetal Placenta 585 mg
    Nano Pro Coenzyme Q10 450 mg
    Kojic Acid 500 mg

Manfaat dan Khasiat Suntik Glutax 35GS Nano Pro VGP Original GMP Italy:

    Mencerahkan dan memberikan nutrisi yang baik bagi kulit dan tubuh
    Mencegah gejala migraine
    Menyerap nutrisi makanan jadi lebih baik untuk di edarkan ke seluruh tubuh
    Mencegah parkinson
    Membantu menurunkan tekanan darah tinggi
    Mencegah stroke
    Meredakan nyeri reumatik
    Mempercepat penyembuhan luka
    Sebagai Pemutih Kulit
    Menyerap nutrisi makanan lebih baik
    Melancarkan peredaran darah
    Anti Aging yang menyamarkan keriput akibat penuaan dini
    Meregenerasi sel-sel kulit yang mati
    Menghaluskan Kulit

Metode, dosis dan cara pemakaian Suntik Glutax 35GS Nano Pro VGP Original GMP :
Campurkan satu set Glutax 35G Nano Pro kemudian Suntik pada IV/IM seminggu sekali secara rutin. untuk mendapatkan hasil kulit putih yang cerah, halus dengan hasil terbaik.saran dokter diperlukan utk hasil terbaik

Glutax 35GS Nano Pro VGP Original GMP tidak disarankan untuk :

    Wanita hamil dan menyusui
    Masalah kardiovaskular
    Wanita dalam masa haid
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